Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Los Angeles Stake Celebrating 170 years of Relief Society

Come help us Celebrate this "Birthday" event

The Priesthood has offered to serve us BREAKFAST!! 

Breakfast will be served at 9:00 AM

There will be two presentations given by two of the most dynamic speakers.

Our own Anna Rolapp (WW 2nd) will speak to us about the making of "Daughters of My Kingdom" and why it is such a significant work.

Christie Franson will be speaking on the service rendered throughout the history of the Relief Society.  You might remember her from last year at our women's conference.  She spoke on Scripture Study.  She is a great teacher and will leave you wanting more time to hear her.

Emma Smith and Eliza R. Snow will be among some of the past Presidents that will be visiting us and presenting a skit for your delight.

There will be displays that you will want to visit.   We have:

  • International display (Korean Ward)
  • History display (Loui Keeny of WW 1st)
  • Food Then-and-now Display (Ginger Cain of Hollywood Ward)
  • Service Display (Sheryl Mendez WW 1st)

Please save the date and plan on attending this wonderful event  --

Saturday, March 24th!!

Celebrate the History of this great organization. Our ancestors have left us an amazing legacy of service and care for those in need.  It has provided us a way to grow spiritually and show love for one another through the service we provide and the testimonies we share.

If you have any questions contact your Relief Society Presidents.  Children are welcome to attend with you.  See you then.


The following is a video that is an overview of the our history.  It is 11 minutes long.  Watch at your leisure.

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